A Chat with the SportImpact team – Nuno Delicado

“A Chat with the SportImpact team” features a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. We hear from Nuno Delicado from Portugal, who has been in Timor-Leste over several periods since 2003, and is back since mid-2013 for the launch of the SportImpact project here. Nuno Delicado Brief introduction  Nuno focuses on management consulting, social entrepreneurship and business model innovation. He also leads the Social & Public Sector practice at Pluris, a negotiation and conflict resolution consulting firm, and…Read more

Reflections on my 2-month summer internship with SportImpact in Timor-Leste

Hello! I am Clarissa, and I recently completed my 2-month summer internship with SportImpact in Timor-Leste. This entry serves as a reflection of my experiences and thoughts about work and life in general in Timor-Leste. As a first year liberal arts student, I yearned for a challenging experience in a completely foreign culture, to immerse myself in a world very different from Singapore and to better understand the social sector. The unique concept of sport for human development piqued my interest and I jumped on board to understand the extent of impact this…Read more

Press Release – Basketball Coaches Course in Dili, August 11 to 22nd

PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste · Sabadu, 9 Agostu 2014  Kursu ba Treinador Basketebol iha Dili husi Agostu 11 to’o 22 Federasaun Nasional Basketebol Timor-Leste organiza Kursu Treinador Basketebol husi Agostu 11 to’o 22, iha Dili, hodi dezenvolve no aumenta kualidade basketebol nian iha Timor-Leste. Kursu ne’e organiza iha Akademia Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste, iha Komoro, Dili. Kursu simu apoiu husi Solidariedade Olimpiku no husi Federasaun Internasional Basketebol, ne’ebe haruka ona José Monteiro, treinador no formador ho experiensia loos husi Portugal, hanesan mestri. Participante sira hanesan treinador, arbitu no atleta basketebol nian, mestri no estudante Edukasaun…Read more