Sport in Timor-Leste video

Over the period between 21 July and 1 August, I went around Dili, Timor-Leste conducting a series of short interviews with athletes, coaches and leaders in the sport system that explore their hopes and dreams for sport in Timor-Leste. The video below contains snippets from some of these interviews, with English subtitles that try to best capture the essence of the responses. A huge thank you to the athletes, coaches and leaders, both featured and not featured in this short video, for their hospitality and willingness to be part of the project. Many…Read more

SportImpact takes part in Peace Day celebration

Today, 21st of September, SportImpact took part in the International Day of Peace celebrations, in Dili, Timor-Leste, brilliantly organized by Timor-Leste Youth for Peace* - well done! The event included impressive performances with songs, drama, poetry, BMX freeriding, street dancing, capoeira, guest speakers... Hundreds of Timorese youth gathered to celebrate Peace with super positive energies that will contribute to making every day Peace Day. We hope and trust that inspired and motivated youth, determined to create a world of peace and justice, can and will build a better Timor-Leste and a better world. When ranked…Read more

A Chat with the SportImpact team – Dircia Pimentel

“A Chat with the SportImpact team” features a series of interviews with the team at SportImpact. These interviews will cover their opinions on the progress of the company, personal motivations and expectations going forward. Say 'Hi' to Dircia Pimentel from Timor-Leste, SportImpact’s Administration & Finance Manager.  Dircia Pimentel Brief Introduction Dircia is also the Secretary of Administration and Finance at the East Timor Cycling Federation (ETCF). At ETCF she has been part of an important success story in Timor-Leste sports, helping cycling reach a whole new level, with regular national competitions across the…Read more

Press release – Sport Leaders Discuss the Future of Sport in Timor-Leste

PRESS RELEASE Dili, Timor-Leste · Tersa, 9 Setembru 2014 Lider Desportu sira Diskuti Futuru ba Desportu iha Timor-Leste    Sekretaria Estadu ba Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) husi Timor-Leste organiza ohin enkontru ho lider desportu nasional hotu ba SportImpact nia aprezentasaun Avaliasaun Desportu iha Timor-Leste no diskusaun kona ba prioridade ba futuru desportu nian iha rai laran. SportImpact nia avaliasaun bazeia husi intervista no dadus husi maioria organizasaun desportu nian iha Timor-Leste durante fulan hitu kotuk (bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e). Nudar rezumu: Situasaun atual – Organizasaun desportu barak seidauk iha prosedimentu formal basiku (ezemplu,…Read more

Assessment of Sport in Timor-Leste

Here is SportImpact's Assessment of Sport in Timor-Leste (in Tetum), based on interviews and data collection with most sport organizations in the country. We presented a summary today to key sport stakeholders in Timor-Leste, in a meeting kindly and thoughtfully convened by the Secretary of State of Youth and Sport. Though now days you are provided a wide varieties of drug options but the studies have revealed that 2800 mg of Arginine daily could improve erectile function in impotent men. discounts on levitra Therefore men tend to Buy tadalafil 20mg price Online to…Read more